Families and batches of parameters in Bayesian inference: how to treat them using ggmcmc
Author: Xavier Fernández-i-Marín
February 22, 2019 - 10 minutes
Tutorial of how to deal with families of parameters in Bayesian inference using ggmcmc
ggmcmc R BayesianWhen working with Bayesian inference using sampling procedures (JAGS, Stan, Bugs) it is usually the case that the parameters come in different families (the “thetas”, the “betas”, the “alphas”), specially when dealing with hierarchical / multilevel models.
Sometimes parameters come in a single dimension (like beta[1]
, beta[2]
, …), and sometimes they come in multiple dimensions (beta[1,1]
, …). The reasons may be diverse, but it is quite common that one
dimension refers to, for instance, an intercept, and the second dimension
referst to different conditions of the experiment or the observation.
This entry shows how to flexibly manage different situations in which families
of parameters are involved.
Let’s start with the data provided by the ggmcmc
The original data is a coda
object called s
, that stores several parameters,
some of them belonging to the same family, in this case, the beta family.
S <- ggs(s)
## [1] "beta[1]" "beta[2]" "sigma"
Single dimensional parameters
In case only the beta family of parameters is needed, this can be easily
accomplished with the argument family
, that accepts an R regular expression.
In its simplest form, passing “beta” will keep all parameters containing it,
which includes not only “beta”, but also possible “sigma.beta”, or other
S.beta <- ggs(s, family = "beta")
## # A tibble: 4,000 x 4
## Iteration Chain Parameter value
## <int> <int> <fct> <dbl>
## 1 1 1 beta[1] 3.04
## 2 2 1 beta[1] 2.85
## 3 3 1 beta[1] 2.85
## 4 4 1 beta[1] 2.58
## 5 5 1 beta[1] 2.46
## 6 6 1 beta[1] 3.05
## 7 7 1 beta[1] 2.67
## 8 8 1 beta[1] 2.64
## 9 9 1 beta[1] 2.76
## 10 10 1 beta[1] 2.74
## # … with 3,990 more rows
## [1] "beta[1]" "beta[2]"
The S.beta
object only contains the “beta” parameters, and also only contains
the bare minimum variables for a ggs()
object to work, namely: Iteration,
Chain, Parameter and value.
Now the S.beta
object can be treated like any other ggs()
Figure 1: Default representation of a traceplot showing the samples of a family of parameters.
Single dimensional parameters with labels
There is the possibility to complicate a bit more the representation when
combining the family
parameter with the par_labels
one, that allows to
incorporate meaningful labels to parameters. In this case, for instance, we will
define the “beta” parameters as having different labels, but sharing a single
We create a data frame that maps/links the original parameter names (beta[1]
and beta[2]
to different properties (like being in a single dimension called
“First dimension”, but being different in the value of their Variable name.
L.betas <- expand.grid(b = 1:2) %>%
mutate(Parameter = paste("beta[", b, "]", sep = ""),
Variable = factor(b, labels = c("One", "Two")),
Dimension = "First dimension",
Label = paste(Variable, Dimension, sep = " : "))
## b Parameter Variable Dimension Label
## 1 1 beta[1] One First dimension One : First dimension
## 2 2 beta[2] Two First dimension Two : First dimension
Now we also incorporate this dataframe into the ggs()
object, using the
S.beta <- ggs(s, family = "beta", par_labels = L.betas)
## # A tibble: 4,000 x 8
## Iteration Chain Parameter value ParameterOrigin… b Variable Dimension
## <int> <int> <fct> <dbl> <chr> <int> <fct> <chr>
## 1 1 1 One : First… 3.04 beta[1] 1 One First dim…
## 2 2 1 One : First… 2.85 beta[1] 1 One First dim…
## 3 3 1 One : First… 2.85 beta[1] 1 One First dim…
## 4 4 1 One : First… 2.58 beta[1] 1 One First dim…
## 5 5 1 One : First… 2.46 beta[1] 1 One First dim…
## 6 6 1 One : First… 3.05 beta[1] 1 One First dim…
## 7 7 1 One : First… 2.67 beta[1] 1 One First dim…
## 8 8 1 One : First… 2.64 beta[1] 1 One First dim…
## 9 9 1 One : First… 2.76 beta[1] 1 One First dim…
## 10 10 1 One : First… 2.74 beta[1] 1 One First dim…
## # … with 3,990 more rows
In this case, the object now does not only contain the bare minimum variables,
but also the other ones passed through the mapping of labels and features of the
“beta” parameters, namely the “b”, the “Variable”, and the “Dimension”. The
original parameter name is kept under “ParameterOriginal” and the new parameter
name used in the labels is the one defined by “Label” in the L.betas
Now we can treat this object with more flexibility, as it contains features that define the “beta” parameters.
ggs_traceplot(S.beta) +
facet_grid(~ Variable)
Multiple dimensions
In order to work with multiple dimensional parameters, we first have to fake it using the samples at hand. The following steps are never needed when the data is already structured in two (or more) dimensions.
# generate a bidimensional beta matrix out of repeating the first
# chain of the original object and the second chain with minus/plus
# differences.
s.dup <- list(cbind(s[[1]] - 2, s[[1]] + 2), cbind(s[[2]] - 2, s[[2]] + 2))
dimnames(s.dup[[1]])[[2]] <- dimnames(s.dup[[2]])[[2]] <-
c("beta[1,1]", "beta[1,2]", "sigma[1]", "beta[2,1]", "beta[2,2]", "sigma[2]")
attributes(s.dup[[1]])$mcpar <- attributes(s.dup[[2]])$mcpar <-
attributes(s.dup[[1]])$class <- attributes(s.dup[[2]])$class <-
class(s.dup) <- "mcmc.list"
The s.dup
object now contains a two chains for 6 parameters (4 of them are
from the “beta” family).
S.dup <- ggs(s.dup)
## tibble [12,000 × 4] (S3: tbl_df/tbl/data.frame)
## $ Iteration: int [1:12000] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
## $ Chain : int [1:12000] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
## $ Parameter: Factor w/ 6 levels "beta[1,1]","beta[1,2]",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
## $ value : num [1:12000] 1.043 0.853 0.85 0.575 0.463 ...
## - attr(*, "nChains")= int 2
## - attr(*, "nParameters")= int 6
## - attr(*, "nIterations")= int 1000
## - attr(*, "nBurnin")= num 1000
## - attr(*, "nThin")= num 1
## - attr(*, "description")= chr "s.dup"
Then, create again the object with the labels for a two-dimensional family of parameters.
L.betas <- expand.grid(v = 1:2, d = 1:2) %>%
mutate(Parameter = paste("beta[", v, ",", d, "]", sep = ""),
Variable = factor(v, labels = c("One", "Two")),
Dimension = factor(d, labels = c("First", "Second")),
Label = paste(Variable, Dimension, sep = " : "))
## v d Parameter Variable Dimension Label
## 1 1 1 beta[1,1] One First One : First
## 2 2 1 beta[2,1] Two First Two : First
## 3 1 2 beta[1,2] One Second One : Second
## 4 2 2 beta[2,2] Two Second Two : Second
S.beta <- ggs(s.dup, family = "beta", par_labels = L.betas)
And now just play with the display of the two variables (“Variable” and “Dimension”) than contain characteristics of the “beta” parameters.
ggs_traceplot(S.beta) +
facet_grid(Dimension ~ Variable)
ggs_density(S.beta, hpd = TRUE) +
facet_wrap(Variable ~ Dimension)
The examples covered here are only for families of parameters with one or two dimensions, but extending it to more dimensions is trivial with the modification of the dataset with the parameter labels. For instance, adding another dimension (let’s call it “Year”) would be as follows:
L.betas.time <- expand.grid(v = 1:2, d = 1:2, y = 1:9) %>%
mutate(Parameter = paste("beta[", v, ",", d, ",", y, "]", sep = ""),
Variable = factor(v, labels = c("One", "Two")),
Dimension = factor(d, labels = c("First", "Second")),
Year = as.numeric(as.character(factor(y, labels = 2001:2009))),
Label = paste(Variable, Dimension, sep = " : "))
Example: electoral forecast in Bayern 2018
In a post on forecasting elections I presented the electoral forecasts for different parties through time. The \(\xi\) (xi) parameters account for the electoral support of every party (\(p\)) at a specific day (\(t\), for “time”), and therefore have two dimensions (\(\xi_{p,t}\)).
In order to generate a data frame with the meaningful labels for \(\xi\) we use the following:
# "names.parties" is a character vector containing the names of the parties
# in the correct order.
# "series.start" is a date when the forecast begins.
L.xis <- expand.grid(p = 1:PA, t = 1:T) %>%
mutate(Parameter = paste("xi[", p, ",", t, "]", sep = "")) %>%
mutate(Party = factor(p, label = names.parties)) %>%
mutate(Date = series.start + t - 1) %>%
mutate(Label = paste(Party, Date, sep = " : "))
xis <- ggs(s, family = "xi", par_labels = L.xis)
## tibble [5,564,800 × 9] (S3: tbl_df/tbl/data.frame)
## $ Iteration : int [1:5564800] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
## $ Chain : int [1:5564800] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
## $ Parameter : Factor w/ 13912 levels "AfD : 2014-01-09",..: 1740 1740 1740 1740 1740 1740 1740 1740 1740 1740 ...
## $ value : num [1:5564800] 49.8 48.7 49.5 49.6 48.5 ...
## $ ParameterOriginal: chr [1:5564800] "xi[1,1]" "xi[1,1]" "xi[1,1]" "xi[1,1]" ...
## $ p : int [1:5564800] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
## $ t : int [1:5564800] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
## $ Party : Factor w/ 8 levels "CSU","SPD","FW",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
## $ Date : Date[1:5564800], format: "2014-01-09" "2014-01-09" ...
## - attr(*, "nChains")= int 2
## - attr(*, "nParameters")= int 13912
## - attr(*, "nIterations")= int 200
## - attr(*, "nBurnin")= num 50091
## - attr(*, "nThin")= num 10
## - attr(*, "description")= chr "s"
is a huge object containing 5,564,800 entries, corresponding to 13,912
parameters, two chains and 200 iterations. The reason is that the forecast is
performed for every day between the last election (in 2014) until the election
date in late 2018. Once the convergence tests have been performed using the
functions, we can simply summarize the posteriors using the ci()
function and keeping only the point estimates of interest.
ci.xis <- ci(xis)
## # A tibble: 13,912 x 11
## Parameter low Low median High high ParameterOrigin… p t Party
## <fct> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <int> <int> <fct>
## 1 AfD : 2014… 7.94 8.01 8.92 9.47 9.62 xi[8,1] 8 1 AfD
## 2 AfD : 2014… 7.93 8.01 8.93 9.51 9.56 xi[8,2] 8 2 AfD
## 3 AfD : 2014… 7.99 8.02 8.96 9.44 9.58 xi[8,3] 8 3 AfD
## 4 AfD : 2014… 7.96 8.02 8.97 9.48 9.56 xi[8,4] 8 4 AfD
## 5 AfD : 2014… 7.96 8.03 9.02 9.48 9.59 xi[8,5] 8 5 AfD
## 6 AfD : 2014… 7.95 7.99 9.03 9.44 9.49 xi[8,6] 8 6 AfD
## 7 AfD : 2014… 7.93 8.01 9.03 9.43 9.50 xi[8,7] 8 7 AfD
## 8 AfD : 2014… 7.91 7.96 9.04 9.43 9.50 xi[8,8] 8 8 AfD
## 9 AfD : 2014… 7.90 7.97 9.04 9.42 9.50 xi[8,9] 8 9 AfD
## 10 AfD : 2014… 7.94 7.96 9.07 9.44 9.49 xi[8,10] 8 10 AfD
## # … with 13,902 more rows, and 1 more variable: Date <date>
In this case ci.xis
contains “only” 13,912 entries, with the median, 90 and 95
percent credible intervals. Because it also incorporates the labels and
meta-data about \(xi\), it is possible to use a simple call to ggplot()
generate the figures of interest.
This is a simple point estimate of the temporal evolution of the forecasted value for every party.
ggplot(ci.xis, aes(x = Date, y = median,
color = Party, group = Party)) +
In order to incorporate the uncertainty bands we can simply use the
element overimposed to the line.
ggplot(ci.xis, aes(x = Date, y = median,
color = Party, group = Party)) +
geom_line() +
geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = low, ymax = high,
fill = Party), color = NA, alpha = 0.2)
Final remarks
The combination of a tidy dataset in the ggs
format with the arguments
“family” and “par_labels” provides a simple and unified way to treat samples generated
by JAGS / Stan / Bugs using as a basis the functions provided by the ggmcmc
package, namely those that start with ggs_...()
. Combining them with
or facet_wrap()
, or aes()
and many other options in ggplot2
gives the user a lot of flexibility.
When usind the ggmcmc
don’t forget to cite it using:
(Fernández-i-Marín 2016)
Fernández-i-Marín, Xavier. 2016. “Ggmcmc: Analysis of Mcmc Samples and Bayesian Inference.” Journal of Statistical Software 70 (1): 1–20. https://doi.org/10.18637/jss.v070.i09.